About Us

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Sherpa Expedition and Trekking [P] Ltd 

The pioneers of Himalaya…

Established on January 07, 1977, with a motto: ‘Enhancing Tourism possibilities across the Globe’. Sherpa Expeditions and Trekking is proud to be recognized as the fifth Trekking and Adventure company authorized by the Tourism Board of Nepal. Since its establishment, it has successfully been offering its world-class service to travelers around the globe We have strong dedication and commitment to make every holiday memorable for the rest of your life. We basically focus on safety and luxury, which has categorized us as a distinctive trekking and adventure organizer in Nepal. We have the experience of more than 40 years in tourism.

Our experienced and equipped team is always prompt and enthusiastic and ready to offer the best service to our guests. Their passion to organize and operate the trip is unique and earns us the praise of our clients with many returning years after year to climb new mountains. We are enthusiastic and ethical in our dealings with clients and always looking for something unique and seeking hidden mysteries on our mountain treks.
We honor our team, environment, culture and simultaneously promote sustainable tourism. Because of the quality and reliable service, we offer, we have above 80 % of repeat clients. We treat them as family members, with many becoming overseas business partners. We offer the thrills of adventure and pleasure during the trip. Sherpa Expeditions and Trekking has maintained its goodwill in the international arena and at home in Nepal.
Tourists across the globe can rely and trust on Sherpa Expeditions and Trekking for a pleasant, adventurous, luxurious, economical and a memorable holiday in Nepal. We are committed to providing world-class service while protecting natural and cultural heritage. Ethical business practices are integral to our success.

Getting to know us the way we are…

Ours is a story that stretches more than four decades. We came around on 7th Januray, in the year 1977. It hasn't been simple. We had basic beginnings while functioning as a guide climbing the length and expansiveness of the mountains; in transit we additionally found our excellent nation Nepal isn't just about mountains. Our history, culture and legacy locales said a lot that intrigued a curious world, pulling in explorers in swarms to Nepal. Experience additionally encouraged us to comprehend we live in the better of two universes, the world we're acquainted with, and the world we're most certainly not. 

At the point when you book an excursion with Sherpa Expedition and Trekking, you've presumably crossed three landmasses to find a good pace; in case you're a newbie, you'd find a world you've never known, and a world you will no doubt always remember. Sherpa Expedition and Trekking is about the incomparable Himalayan wild. We will acquaint you with interesting mountain societies, situations, old legacy urban areas, horizon mountain ranges and unprecedented wildernesses as you find an extraordinary piece of the planet we as a whole live on. 

Sherpa Expedition and Trekking is a finished Nepali possessed experience administrator based midway in Nepal's popular vacationer center point referred to the world over as 'Thamel'. We are a little group, a center gathering of committed experts who have mixed in well with the erratic caprices of nature; we are topographically a seismically dynamic nation and sit on an insecure structural plate that makes us inclined to quakes. In any case, we are prepared and equipped to respond with any unusual conditions that may happen while accompanying our visitors on the path all through the Himalayas. We are an authorized outfit and perceived by the Department of Tourism – Government of Nepal. 

Every one of our projects are carefully intended to the littlest detail. Look at our dynamic schedules: on the off chance that you read about some example of blossoms, some green hillocks, a specific edge, off-track trail, an obscure town, or some unbelievable religious community, you can be certain it's there, simply the manner in which you read about it in our agendas. 

Mindful Tourism… Practicing what we lecture 

The travel industry is one of the most occurring and biggest businesses on earth. It offers work to a larger number of individuals worldwide than some other, with a large number of families relying upon the travel industry for their day by day needs. In Nepal, the travel industry is the main provider. 

At Sherpa Expedition and Trekking, we are exceptionally dedicated to shielding the common habitat and ensure the zone we use is left perfect when we move away. We by and large cover or consume our profile degradable waste and what's not expendable is pressed and stored in a container introduced by preservation park specialists. 

Our watchmen are constantly ensured. We are constantly mindful about the dangers in question and guarantee our aides and doormen are well prepared and intended for you to appreciate bother free administrations. We carefully keep rules and guidelines of the International Porters Protection Group (www.ippg.net). 

We maintain a strategic distance from pit fires when on the path and encourage our visitors to purchase wood-energized hot showers in lodges. On the entirety of our endeavors we generally ensure we give 'something back' to the network. Sherpa Expedition and Trekking has consistently been engaged with helping fabricate schools in mountain towns, helping widows with a pay source, instructing watchmen's youngsters' and helping the crippled who have been harmed while accompanying visitors on the mountains etc. 

We have consistently been focused on the prosperity of mountain networks. During the quakes that hit Nepal in 2015, we started a task called: 'Assistance Nepal'' – with the intend to 'Keep the Mountains Clean – Give back to the Community''. The idea driving our Program depends on the way of life of 'Travel with a reason'. We look to have any kind of effect to networks deprived in zones we trek to… the design is to begin from inside and spread the dollar around. Your outings with us can make a few contrasts… enormous contrasts in little ways. 

Our Mission: is making contrasts with a reason 

Our own is constantly a steady inquiry to give trips in its very own class. – we are continually attempting to offer something else, not actually various things but rather things done in various manners however much as could be expected. We need our visitors to investigate nature and its non-anecdotal legends while encountering old strict convictions and rich mountain culture in manners that are new and important when visiting our nation. 

The motivation behind our excursions is to maintain a strategic distance from trails that are clogged by travelers with efficient arranging in top seasons. It is forever our craving to splash our customers into the rich culture of the spots we visit. We are continually endeavoring to make a harmony between routine touring and genuine contact with nearby individuals and families, maybe even offer a dinner with them, particularly in zones we trek to. 

The Vision: Exploring new boondocks with security a need 

Since mountaineering has consistently been the center of our quality from the hour of our foundation, our Vision has consistently been to show you the genuine Himalayan world for what it is; we don't simply pass by some cruel segregated spots that would somehow or another be overlooked by others; since this encourages you to comprehend the magnificence inside of certain remote districts where nearby people live by customs obscure to the known world. The thinking ahead is to ensure we go the mile to guarantee our visitors are given a standard of administration and care that guarantees security without overlooking the enjoyment, brotherhood and soul of invigorating experience, when over the timberline. Our meticulous definite arranging which goes into setting up your campaigns is some of the time worked out a very long time ahead of time preceding your appearance in Nepal. Sherpa Expedition and Trekking, throughout the years, has taken in the most difficult way possible to accept that 'somewhere close to the base of the ascension and the summit is the response to the riddle why we climb, facing challenges that can be lethal''… 

All things considered, at Sherpa Expedition and Trekking, the vision will consistently be to investigate new boondocks with well being being our top need. 

Welcome to the Himalayan territory of Nepal! Investigate another world so not quite the same as the others you've known… it's a Unique Adventurous world you will always remember in a rush…

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